As much as I adore my Blackberry Pearl, it doesn’t do a good job with
my WordPress dashboard given its limited screen real estate. The
logical alternative for in-field posting is email, but something needs
to trigger the WordPress page that does the processing. There are a
bunch of ways, and they recommend hacking the blog footer as the
easiest way.
A better way for an old UNIX hacker like me is a shell command in a
cron job. So it’s back a trusty old UNIX feature to kick my blog in
the anatomy every now and then. The testing is the hardest part, so I
set the job, using “GET -d”, to run every fifteen minutes. That’s
probably too often. Really, how often am I more than 10 feet from a
computer with an internet connection?
Five minutes to the next run, so please cross all appropriate
appendages one more time!
From My MacBook
Woohoo! It worked–more or less. Looks like email from both Blackberry and Desktop get unsightly line breaks. I’ll try sending a rich text email to my other blog once I’ve got it configured; hopefully that’ll get around the formatting problem. Hmmm, I don’t know if the Pearl does rich text email.
Since WordPress doesn’t accept rich text, the Pearl question is a moot point. Oh well, better than nothing!