Center City Philadelphia is bracketed by two rivers: The Schuylkill River to the West and the Delaware River to the East. Both are undergoing a transformation from abused industrial waterways to scenic recreational attractions.
I can’t head East towards the Delaware without Take Me to the River (the Annie Lennox cover or Talking Heads original) playing in my head. The DVRPC’s $1 million grant program of the same name is one of many efforts to keep river redevelopment going in these turbulent economic times. It’s good to see such persistence since it will require years if not decades to fully realize the rivers’ potential.
When warm weather returns, take some time to enjoy the Schuylkill Banks. I rediscovered it last year and walked from Judy Garland Park to the Art Museum a few times. Bladers and Bikers might want to continue further along Kelly Drive or West River Drive. Pedestrians might want to loiter at the Fairmount Water Works before heading home.